Simple, Straightforward Pricing.
Gathering costs are additional and vary by the event. These are set by the Event Host or Venue Operator. does not provide refunds.
Creates a profile with only
basic survey questions to
match you to gatherings.
$10 annually
We are so excited about our beginnings.
In the near future there will be even more ways for you to build up your profile for even more refined events, activities and adventures.
* Note – your membership renewal date is one year from the date of your first gatherings event offering.
* accepts all currency + bitcon. It uses the US Dollar to fix the exchange rate.
Pricing is subject to change without notice.
You'll be able to add a membership to join in on other gatherings.
You'll receive an email when it's ready.
You'll be able to add a membership to join in on other gatherings.
You'll receive an email when it's ready.